Owning a racing greyhound is a hugely rewarding experience.
There are thousands of owners across our sport, many of whom have been involved for generations.
It is also something that draws newcomers to the sport each year, whether as part of a syndicate of friends, as a family or as an individual.
Becoming an Owner
If you’re interested in owning a racing greyhound, the best way to find out what ownership is like, the responsibilities associated and the process involved is to speak to your local track’s Racing Manager.
They will have first-hand knowledge of everything involved in racing greyhound ownership. They will be able to recommend trainers, breeders and existing owners so that you have everything you need to make an informed decision.
Read our Owner’s Blog to give you a first-hand insight into the experience here
Registering as an Owner
Greyhound owners, while not directly licensed by GBGB, must be registered as an owner with us. To do so, new owners must supply proof of identity (either a copy of a UK driving licence or passport) and proof of address (a recent utilities bill or letter showing your current address).
Once registered, owners will then able to place their greyhound/s with a GBGB licensed trainer. Like any other individual within the sport, owners must adhere to the Rules of Racing and should check that their chosen trainer is appropriately licensed by GBGB.
Please contact us for the registration form.